The temp fell from 33dc yesterday to 18dc, at which the difference could be felt. For the 1st time this month, I put on my jumper to shield myself from the strong cool winds blowing at uni. Much to the excitement of receiving back our communication essay results today at the lecture, we failed to receive them, instead, steve promises he will put the results online tonight, but will he? who knows, i hope he does, at least it will make me super happy or super sad.
We had our last psychology lecture today, which I feel abit sad, coz I really like the subject. If I decide to move to CVS, then I'll be kissing goodbye to all these stuff, and really focus on all the science stuff... Rehab counselling didnt seem to be attractive enough to me, the staff are in a mess, no body knows what their doing, the pre-enrolment is in a mess, everything! and the students dont even seem a bit interested.
Things on the positive side, I had alot of attention today regarding my thumb flexibility and its contributions to effective billard playing. I became famous in 15 mins, with people taking pics of my hands and me posing with my ultra-flexible thumb. Pool is really interesting and because of my poor plantar and dorsal ligaments on my distal phalynx, also probably due to a weak Flexor Digitorium Pollicus Longus, I balance the stick really well and can shoot quite well, accurate not quite there yet. Hey guys, thanks for the great time! I really appreciate it and look forward to playing more pool with u guys AFTER the exams, for now, we should really be studying.
Thank you for reading and God bless!