As much as the cost comes into play, I believe it is your thoughts and your heart you have with and for the children. Seeing them happy with your lollipop brightens up their day,your day and their parent's day as well. But most importantly, it has touched and made my day! You may not realise it, but others can tell, and I'm sure other commuters whom travel with me have realised it too. Your act of generousity and love for others makes me challenge myself how I can even love my friends, brothers and sisters more. Even as a Christian, I struggle everyday to love others, not realising how much God had loved me.
If I ever see you again or sit next to you on the same train, I will surely talk to you. I hope you know God and you are a great example of encouragement to many others out there. You dont read mX, thats why I wont get them to publish something about you but if you did, I definetly would. I'm sorry to see you stuck at the ticket gates because your ticket was invalid, unfortunately, I went through the ticket gates myself already and thus I wasnt able to help you. There shouldnt be any reason why you're reading this as well, but for some reason if you are, i just want to say a big thank you to you:)
While I was walking home today and crossing the road at Elizabeth drive, there was this girl in a yellow red P-plater car who zoomed passed me and suddenly yelled out to me 'SEXY!!'. I just want to say that you freaked me out at that spur of the moment. I thought I was gonna get hit by car mann! Nevertheless, I thank you for your compliments though I totally disagree with such a schema. You can called my sexy anytime else, while walking on the pavement, you can even stop your car and be nice to approach me, but PLEASE! NOT WHEN IM CROSSING THE ROAD!!!
Thank you for reading and God bless!