- [ T· t£ë ] - @ uSyd

Welcome to the University of Sydney. As you enter the gates of the Cumberland Campus at Lidcombe, prepare yourself for an enriching and memorable education of a lifetime. A small campus, cottege like, but full of vibrant and enthusiastic students prepared to make a change in their lives! As you leave the campus, we hope you have a great day, not forgetting, the Rookwood cemetry is just across the road... why not take a short stroll?

Location: Cumberland College of Health Sciences @ The University of Sydney, East Street Lidcombe NSW, Australia

Bachelor of Health Sciences / Master of Rehabilitation Counselling @ uSyD ... Customer Services for Regional Express Airlines @ Sydney... So I Look To My Saviour, To Safely Bring Me Home! God loves you and me / will always love you and me / has always been loving you and me. He taught me how to love others for who they, to accept and care for them, just as he had loved me...

Monday, October 15, 2007

It was and is sooooo hot today, my gosh! the first time I gave up walking home and catch a bus instead from Liverpool station. I finished my 1 bottle of water and 1 bottle of soft drink and its like not enough. When we were heading home, C and myself sat in a 'tin can' hahahaha, as she calls it and it was sweltering, thank goodness when i switched train, it was an air conditioned Tangara.. woho!
Yeah, this morning we went to play hide and seek with C and her group members, using her phone as a navigator? where r u? what do u see? is the bus shelter made of glass? haha, it was soo funny how we were walking and shes like full running with her poor shoes.. must have hurt does it C?
Oh no!! tml is Dana Strain's lecture!! im so gonna zzzzzzzzz.

Thank you for reading and God bless!


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