plus, when you have to get up at 530ish in the morning to go to school, walk 10km, by the time u get there, u will literally drop dead, which is what happened to me.
but i was really happy this morning that there was sunlight at 6am in the morning!! its like first time in so many months.. the past few weeks and months have been sooo dark and spooky, and to add to that, the cold strong wind with the pouring rain. To walk alone seems bad enough, what more if you are aware that the cemetry is just down the street from your place.
I was really dissapointed one tuesday morning, some vandals actually smashed 2 bus stop panel glasses along Elizabeth drive and all the glass was like all over the road and floor, which is very very dangerous especially to people wearing thongs/slippers or those fragile bicycle tyres.
The anatomy exam looks like its gonna be a killer... i better get going and start studying!!
im so glad Dr Steve cumming actually postponed the lecture to 1pm, it saves us alot of time, but most importantly, it saves our SLEEPING time.. wohoho!!! i dont actually get what they do in those lectures mann, as i overheard someone saying, its more like orientation than communication... speaking of which, the communication assignment is due this monday, dont forget!!
thank you for dropping by to read. God bless!
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