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Welcome to the University of Sydney. As you enter the gates of the Cumberland Campus at Lidcombe, prepare yourself for an enriching and memorable education of a lifetime. A small campus, cottege like, but full of vibrant and enthusiastic students prepared to make a change in their lives! As you leave the campus, we hope you have a great day, not forgetting, the Rookwood cemetry is just across the road... why not take a short stroll?

Location: Cumberland College of Health Sciences @ The University of Sydney, East Street Lidcombe NSW, Australia

Bachelor of Health Sciences / Master of Rehabilitation Counselling @ uSyD ... Customer Services for Regional Express Airlines @ Sydney... So I Look To My Saviour, To Safely Bring Me Home! God loves you and me / will always love you and me / has always been loving you and me. He taught me how to love others for who they, to accept and care for them, just as he had loved me...

Saturday, November 19, 2005

We had a serious patient yesterday. He reported sick for extreme itchiness on his arms, and he seemed to have extreme difficulty in breathing. Dr Kao checked up on the patient and took basic parameters..pulse 150, bp 210/150. His SpO2 (oxygen saturation around the body) was way below an acceptable level of 95, which means he might go into unconsciousness easily.
After doing an ECG on him, doctors diagnosed him with Acute Urticaria, a condition in which a sudden allergic reaction develops, when the patient will start to have excessive scratching. This patient also gets worked up easily, and in addition that this condition tightens the muscles around the body especially around the neck region, it ended up to be quite serious if not treated. The injections that were given to him were Promethazine ( to sedate him and calm him down since he was so worked up) and Hydrocortisone Sodium Succinate [ to be diluted with sterilised water or normal saline] ( to counteract the sudden allergic reaction). After that, he was administered Hartman solution to restored his fluid levels.
While communicating with BOC, we prepared P2 ambulance to send the patient to CGH. Jan and Ma went with the patient. While they were away, we had our debrief about the situation and how we could have improved our drill. Also we had an East Hawk briefing next week. Seems fun but its gonna be tiring..


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